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The Human Heart is this beautiful organ that starts beating very soon after conception and from which all the other organs come from.


It is the first organ to be and it remains the most important organ for the rest of our life in this body.


Our heartbeat is the primordial sound of existence. From conception, our mother's heartbeat is our first contact with life.


The electromagnetic energy field of the heart is the biggest of all organs with a big difference. We connect with others through the heart and when we lose someone that we love we can feel it in the heart.


The courage that we experience coming from our heart is altruistic and aligned with positive intention.


It is the space where we experience the pure love that binds all living beings.


Our human heart has the the ability to heal all, personally and for the collective - humanity and the world we live in. Our beating heart, though a vital organ, is the most tangible experience of the Mystery of being human.... where we get to experience love, joy, pain, sadness, disappointment,.... the full range of human emotions. The heart has a wisdom and knowing, very different to the brain.... Expanding the energy of the Heart and living life from this is the human longing we all share.


This time in December is of love and connection.... This scared day of  Christmas, week of Hannukah (the Festival of Lights),  the solstice, the astrological conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is a time to connect with the love of your own heart, your family and that of the collective heart of humanity.  

This healing is an opportunity to support the embodiment open your heart to the highest and best intentions for the coming year.....


April 20th, 8pm ET


On this day of giving and receiving, allow yourself, and your community to receive the gift of opening and healing your heart. 


It's pure healing energy for you to receive as a gift to yourself.


Healing the HUMAN HEART

  • If you want to receive pure love

    If you have fatigue and you need to rest.

    If you are feeling fear.

    If you have any heart condition.

    If you long for an open heart.

    If you long for deep connections.

    If you seek to surrender to who you are.

    Join us in this auspicious day and start celebrating the new cycle of your life with an open heart.

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