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Everything in the Universe is energy. Including our body. 

Our Chakra System is the portal that brings energy from the Universe (our surroundings) into our physical body. 


January 12th  8-9pm ET


We feed the physical body with food, but the Chakras metabolize energy that allow our bodies to function and experience in this reality. They also help to perceive reality. 


We get weak and sick physically or mentally, ungrounded (not present in the body) if the chakras are not open and balanced. 


March 5th, 8pm-9pm EST


A Chakra is an energy vortex. It feeds the energy field into our body. 

We have 7 main Chakras, (and 21 minor chakras). 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th chakras have front and back to them. 

Each chakra is connected to system through the vertical power current (VPC). 

Being grounded is being present in our body.


 The different chakras are vortexes for different vibrations of energy. All the chakras have the ability to process all range of the energy field. We find all chakras in the different levels of the field. 

Though the chakras there is a column of energy running from the top to bottom of the body (7th to 1st) chakra.  All the chakras, front and back, connect to the VPC.

All the energy the chakras take in feeds into the VPC, which fuels the body. Energy then fills the organs relating to the chakras. 

We balance them working with them, removing blocks, helping energy flow where there is resistance.  Supporting them to take in energy not project it out. Make sure they're spinning, and in the right direction. 

Making sure they are healthy and open. 


If we take the energy in through chakras our system in healthy, strong and in connection with life. If they go out of balance and spin the other way energy flows out and we get weaker.

Projecting our views out, so we don’t flow with life, believe life has to be a certain way, that is often against the natural rhythm of life.

Instead of being open to the gifts life is constantly presenting.

Balancing the CHAKRA System

  • - Fatigue

    - Disconnected from your heart or sexuality.

    - Lack of physical energy

    - Trouble Sleeping/ Insomnia

    - Overwhelmed by emotions

    - Low self esteem- Anxiety

    - Worryabout your health

    - Inability to love

    - Constantly pushing through life

    - Unable to speak your truth

    - Imbalance in giving and receiving

    - Longing to Create

    - Feeling disconnected (especially from Spirit)

    - Constantly in your mind.


    We will balance the Charka System, working with each individual Chakra and the system, removing blocks, helping energy flow where there is resistance.  Supporting them to take in energy not project it out.

    Ensure they're spinning, and in the right direction. 

    Making sure they are healthy and open. 

    In balancing the Chakras we are also working on the physical organs, glands and systems related to them...

    For example. 

    1st Chakra = Kidneys, Legs

    2nd Chakra = Sexual Organs, Intestines

    3rd Chakra = Liver, Spleen, pancreas

    4th Chakra = Heart, lungs, Breasts

    5th Chakra = Mouth, Neck, Thyroid

    6th Chakra = Eyes, Nose, Ears, Pituitary & Pineal glands

    7th Chakra = Head, Brain

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