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mié, 06 oct



The Brain rules all functioning of our body! Healthy brain function is essential to live life, especially to live a positive experience.....

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Horario y ubicación

06 oct 2021, 11:00 – 12:00 GMT-4



Acerca del evento

Depression, anxiety, suicide and mental illnesses are rapidly increasing.... across all ages, cultures, countries and genders.

Mostly the cause is a mystery. 

There is ongoing need to diagnose, medicate to fix these "anomalies".  What is clear is that we have lost the connection with natural Life and its rhythms.

The brain is constantly under pressure with little time to rest. We don't spend enough time in healthy brain waves that can help to restore balance and function.

Life can feel dulled and access to our true selves and purpose blocked. Healing our Brain has an immediate and longer term positive effect on our body and life.

Following Dr Hamer’s work we find that the brain creates different connections with every new trauma or unexpected impact. When we heal the trauma the impact in the brain disappear.

The brain has 4 different layers.


Will develop organs of survival and reproduction and the Brain Stem (which will control these organs).

Old Mesoderm

Will develop organs of protection and the Cerebellum (which will control these organs).

New Mesoderm

Will develop organs that give support, structure and movement to the body and the White matter of the brain or Cerebral Medulla (which will control these organs).


Will develop organs that allow us to have a social life, like sensitiv- ity, mobility, communication, perception and contact with the out- side world and the Brain Cortex (which will control these organs).

We can see how working and healing the Human Brain will bring healing energy to the rest of the body.

If you or a loved one experience:

- Depression

- Dementia/ Alzheimer's

- Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Manic Depression

- Autism/ Aspergers

- Memory Loss

- Insomnia

- Brain Fog

- Confusion / Lack of concentration

- Extreme though patterns

- An over-active brain

- Suicidal thoughts​

- Any brain related "diagnosis"

- Use medication that affects the brain


Join us for a Universal Healing, a group long distance healing, performed by a team of highly experienced Brennan Healing Science Practitioners.

Distant healing is an ancient but also very advanced practice. It works as significantly as if you are physical present with the healers. We connect with your energy field and work on your energetic, physical and spiritual systems.

Group healing is a powerful tool as we connect the group of healers and hold the group of participants in a unified field. This connection amplifies the healing for all.


Your participation will involve you being in a space of receiving. We recommend you to lie or sit down, in a quiet, restful place, if possible, this allows you to truly feel and experience the self care. If not, you can continue with life as its happening and the healing will still reach you. If you are in another time zone, in your sleeping time, this a great space of receptivity for healing. This is not a zoom call.


It's pure energy healing for you to receive as a gift to yourself.

You are also welcome to gift a healing to others in your family or community.

Universal Healing is an opportunity to make healing available to all, in an affordable way, we can be anywhere in the world and receive it.


The Brennen healers have 7 years of training at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.

Where energy healing is learned as a science and a 4 year Bachelor degree of Healing Science can be acquired. Some are teachers of this work. These healers have diverse and extensive experience holding large groups, working in the distance and with successful practices of healing and therapists.


  • The Human Brain Healing

    Thank you for registering for the Human Brain Healing! You are automatically included in this healing. If you can....l relax, be open to receive and feel the healing. If you are unable to at this time the healing happens for you, and as you sleep that night continues. A feedback recording from one of the healers will be posted on the website later in the day. Enjoy the healing.

    10,00 US$
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